Olsany Friedhof 2.7 rating



Etwa Olsany Friedhof

 Prague, Czech Republic


Olsany Friedhof und Attraktionen in der Nähe auf der Karte

Sehenswürdigkeiten in der Umgebung km / mile
Žižkov Monument

Žižkov Monument(1.3 km)
This immense equestrian statue was erected in 1950 to commemorate Czech national hero Jan Žižkov, who fought his most famous battle on this site and later had the hill and the neighbouring city renamed after himself.

Neuer Jüdischer Friedhof (Prag)

Neuer Jüdischer Friedhof (Prag)(0.9 km)
Take the metro to Zelivskeho on the green line and follow the signs to the New Jewish Cemetery.

Prague Military Museum

Prague Military Museum(1.8 km)

Palac Flora

Palac Flora(0.5 km)
Modern shopping mall with IMAX cinema.

Prager Fernsehturm

Prager Fernsehturm(1.1 km)
Famously built by the communists in order to jam foreign radio signals, the most hideous building in Prague offers spectacular views of the city.

Holešovice Market

Holešovice Market(2.6 km)
Large area market area with many shops and kiosks with goods of various quality.

Olsany Friedhof Tickets und Touren im Prag

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