Notting Hill 3.0 rating


Notting Hill und Attraktionen in der Nähe auf der Karte

Sehenswürdigkeiten in der Umgebung km / mile
Kensington Palast

Kensington Palast(1.4 km)
Kensington Palace is a royal residence where the late Princess Diana stayed after her divorce, and still in use today by some members of the royal family.

Museum of Brands, Packaging and Advertising
Open Air Theatre

Open Air Theatre(1 km)

Leighton House

Leighton House(1.3 km)
Leighton House is the former Victorian home and studio of Olympian artist Lord Frederic Leighton.

Holland Park

Holland Park(0.9 km)
Holland Park is a mixture of open spaces, gardens and woodland spread over 22.

Bram Stokers Haus

Bram Stokers Haus(2.7 km)
Bram Stoker of Dracula fame lived here when he was manager of the Lyceum Theatre.

20 Notting Hill Tickets und Touren im London

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